David Bergvinson

Senior Adviser

Dr. David Bergvinson has worked in sustainable agriculture development for over 30 years, with diverse experience in crop improvement, seed systems, agronomy, pest and disease management, agrometeorology, research management and policy formulation. As Director General of an International Research Center (ICRISAT), David translates science into prosperity for rural families at a national scale, especially for rain-fed farming systems in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. David initiated Digital Agriculture at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2012 and scaled Climate Smart Advisory Services as Principal Scientist at aWhere. As Senior Advisor at DevGlobal, David works with a range of organizations with a focus on resilient, nutritious, and sustainable food systems in emerging markets.

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The GeoField community of practice  is a space for impact evaluators, remote sensing experts, and field organizations to brainstorm and problem solve about how Earth observation can lead to program insights that solve real world, long-running challenges of climate adaptation and agricultural development.
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