About GeoField
Caption: This satellite image of Sindh, Pakistan was created by the European Space Agency by creating 3 separate images from the near infrared channel from the Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission. The Copernicus Sentinel-2 mission is specifically designed to provide images that can be used to distinguish between crop types as well as data on numerous plant indices, such as leaf area index, leaf chlorophyll content and leaf water content – all of which are essential to accurately monitor plant growth. This image is also featured on the Earth from Space video programme. Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2021-22), processed by ESA, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

About GeoField

GeoField represents a new effort by three organizations to bridge the gaps between three specializations:  climate sensitive agriculture, Earth observation, and development program impact evaluations.

The initiative brings together AidData, DevGlobal Partners, and Mercy Corps, with financial support provided by The Gates Foundation.

The goal of this effort is to help aid organizations invest and measure impact in climate adaptation and agriculture programs by improving access to methods and resources that translate direct observations of long-term climate and land use changes into program-ready insights.

GeoField partners are conducting a series of use cases and organizing a community of practice aimed at reducing the barriers to use of Earth observation across the spectrum of agricultural impact evaluations. Through these communities of practice, the team hopes to build a repository of shared knowledge, and to highlight case studies where Earth observation expands the range of outcomes that can be assessed, improves the cost effectiveness of and rigor of impact evaluations, and enables evaluation of difficult-to-access geographies.

If you are a climate scientist, agronomist, economist, or agricultural aid provider or field partner, consider joining our community of practice.

Planet Scale Observations, Program-Level Insights

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Program Team

GeoField Fellows

Join a community of practice
The GeoField community of practice  is a space for impact evaluators, remote sensing experts, and field organizations to brainstorm and problem solve about how Earth observation can lead to program insights that solve real world, long-running challenges of climate adaptation and agricultural development.
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